Keywords: grant admin access; assign admin; assign officer; admin access; system privileges; adding admins
The following article will demonstrate how to add the following access to another member:
- Club Admin Access - Needed to add, edit, register members on Foireann, pay Association fees etc
- Finance Admin Access - Needed to view Stripe account, add funds, withdraw funds Approve/Reject transactions etc
- Vetting Admin Access - Needed to view and validate vetting applications.
NOTE: Club Children Officers must be assigned both Club Admin and Vetting Admin Permissions to fulfil their role.
Viewing Members
As an administrator, you have the ability to identify the other Administrators within your club. To do this, please see the instructions listed below:
1. Navigate to the ‘Membership’ section of the system.
2. Click on the relevant club. (This is only applicable if you have more than one club linked to your profile).
3. Click on the Members tab.
4. In the top right-hand corner of the member table, click the three horizontal lines to open the filters.
5. Click on the ‘Privileges' filter and select either ‘Club Admin’, 'Vetting Admin' or 'Finance Admin' from the dropdown.
Assigning Administrator Privileges
As an administrator, you can assign other members within your club access so that they can help with administrative tasks.
To assign a member with administrative access, please see the steps outlined below:
1. Navigate to the ‘Membership’ section of the system.
2. Click on the relevant club. (This is only applicable if you have more than one club linked to your profile).
3. Click on the Members tab.
4. Within the Members table, find the member you wish to assign administrative privileges to. Please note that this member MUST have a Green Tick displayed in the 'Phone/Computer' icon column. If they have a red 'X' displayed, please ask the member to create a Foireann account. They can do so by following the steps outlined HERE
5. Tick the checkbox beside the member you wish to assign administrative privileges to and click the ‘Member Actions > Update Permissions’ button at the top of the table.
6. Tick the appropriate admin option and click Update Permissions.
NOTE: You can assign multiple permissions to a member.
For a club's Children Officer, both Club Admin and Vetting Admin need to be selected.
7. The member will now be updated to an administrator on the Foireann System for your club.
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