In order to accept online payments from club members, pay LGFA or Camogie registration fees or pay your club's Player Injury Fund invoice, a Stripe account will need to be set up.
Stripe is the online payment processing platform, chosen for use within the Foireann system, which allows your club to receive electronic payments and distribute them to your clubs’ bank account. Stripe also allows clubs to pay for their Player Injury Fund invoice online.
Bank Account Updated?
A designated bank account is linked to a club's Stripe account on Foireann. This designated bank account was selected by the administrators who set up the club's Stripe account. If for any reason, this bank account needs to be changed i.e your club is no longer using this bank account then an administrator for the club can update the bank account details.
To update the bank account linked to your club's Stripe account, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Navigate to the membership or administration section.
2. Click the View Account button under the online payment section.
3. Click on the Account tab.
4. Under the bank account section, click the pencil icon beside the bank account you wish to change and make the relevant updates.
For compliance reasons, if the bank account details are changed by an administrator, the club's Stripe account is automatically frozen. This means that administrators cannot request a payout into the newly appointed bank account until the change is approved by the GAA compliance team ( )
NOTE: If the club bank account details are changed, the club can still accept membership payments and pay for any LGFA, Camogie or PIF invoices on Foireann.
When the bank account details are changed on Foireann, an email will be sent to all administrators within the club and the GAA Stripe Compliance team. The GAA Stripe Compliance team will make the relevant checks with the club to ensure the new bank account details are legitimate before unfreezing the Stripe account.
Once the club's Stripe account has been re-activated then the club will be able to request payouts from the club's Stripe account into the newly appointed bank account.
If at any stage you have any queries regarding the freezing of the club's Stripe account, please do not contact as they will direct you to who are handling these queries.
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