The following article will advise administrators on how to add a payment method, manage payment methods and request a Topup using their preferred payment method into the unit's Stripe account.
Request Topup
While it’s possible to generate revenue, going into a Unit’s Foireann-linked Stripe account - for example via online payments from Members for their registration - doesn’t always guarantee enough available funds for a Unit to cover expenses that may be being paid via its Stripe account. In this situation, the Unit has to be able to add funds to its Foireann-linked Stripe account which is where the Topup function on Foireann comes in.
Foireann’s Top Up function, available to any Units’ Foireann Administrators (glossary of terms), provides the ability to:
- Add new payment methods to a Unit for the purposes of adding funds to Stripe
- Managing payment methods that have been added previously
- Topup - or add funds to - the Unit’s Foireann-linked Stripe account
In order to top up your unit's Foireann-linked Stripe account, you will first need to add a payment method. Once the payment method is added, you can transfer funds from the designated payment method to your unit's Stripe account.
Add Payment Method
To add a payment method on Foireann, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Navigate to the Administration section and click 'Add Payment Method'
2. Choose a payment type from the dropdown list:
- Card
- SEPA Direct Debit (€)
3. Enter a description for the payment method so that it is easy recognisable i.e Unit Debit Card, Unit Register Credit Card etc
4. Click Confirm
5. Read the information panel and click Confirm
6. Depending on the payment type selected, follow the onscreen instructions to finish adding the payment method.
Manage Payment Methods
When a payment method is added on Foireann, administrators have the ability to edit, delete or add additional payment methods to aid with topping up the unit's Foireann-linked Stripe account.
To manage the payment methods for your unit, please see the instructions outlined below:
1. Navigate to the Administration section and click 'Manage Payment Methods'
NOTE: Any active payment methods will be listed in the 'Request Topup' section and can be selected when requesting a topup.
2. A list of payment methods will be listed and administrators can view, update the description or delete an existing payment method as well as add a new payment method.
View - View the payment method details
Update - Update the description of the payment method
Delete - Delete the payment method so that it cannot be used to top up the Foireann-linked Stripe account
Add - Add an additional payment method
Request Topup
To request a topup, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Navigate to the Administration section and click 'Request Topup'
2. The unit's available and pending Stripe balance will be displayed.
- The pending balance is funds that have been paid to your Foireann-linked Stripe account but are not yet available to use to pay fees on Foireann.
3. Depending on what payment type is selected, the payment method dropdown will list the possible payment methods which are available for your unit to use.
NOTE: If you do not have a payment method set up for the payment type selected, you will be prompted to add one
4. Fill in the other fields (Currency, Amount and Description) and click Request Topup
5. Read the information panel
NOTE: If topping up by Card or SEPA Direct Debit, an administrator within your unit must review and approve the topup request before it is processed.
If you are the only administrator listed within your unit, you will be asked to add another administrator to the system. To allocate administrator access to another member, please see the following link: Allocate Admin Access
Only when you assign another administrator to your unit, you will be able to proceed with requesting a top-up.
6. Click Confirm. An email will be sent to all administrators within your unit to inform them of this topup request.
NOTE: Only one administrator is required to approve the topup request.
7. The administrator will need to log in to Foireann and navigate to the Administration section.
8. They will have the option to 'Approve' or 'Reject' the topup request
9. If the administrator selects 'Reject', the topup request is cancelled and they can enter a reason if they wish. An email to all administrators will be sent to inform them of the rejected topup request.
10. If the administrator selects 'Approve', the topup request will be processed and the money should arrive in your unit's Foireann-linked Stripe account in a number of working days. All administrators will receive an email to inform them that the topup request was approved.
11. If the topup request is approved, the funds will appear within the unit's pending balance.
12. The topup transaction will appear within the Payment History tab in the Administration section.
13. Once the topup has been received into the club's Foireann-linked Stripe account, the status will update from 'Paid' to 'Succeeded'.
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