Foireann offers Clubs the opportunity to gain an understanding of exactly who is involved in the Club and in what ways. Just so you know, this is an administrator-only task.
Table of Contents
Duplication Information
The value of this information relates directly to the level of accuracy that exists in terms of a Clubs’ Members List and its actual Membership. In this regard, the main aims of any Club should be to:
- Have one record per Member
- Have juvenile records created, managed and maintained by parents/guardians with accounts of their own
- For those people with an account, the most complete and up-to-date profiles.
While Foireann eases the administrative burden that used to be placed on Club Officers in compiling and updating Member information, there is still an onus on Clubs to manage their Members List to achieve, in so much as they can, the first part of the objective outlined above - to have one record listed on Foireann for each Member of their Club. For a variety of reasons, this won’t always be the case and that’s where the Deduplication functionality comes in.
Help Guides
The following Help Guides will explain the different steps involved in using the Deduplication feature, the implications of its use and some of the more common scenarios that many people will face when using it:
- Using Foireann to identify duplicate records
- Manually identifying duplicate records
- Deduplication Scenario - One person, multiple records
- Deduplication Scenario - Correctly linking a juvenile record with a parent/guardian
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