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contacting foireann



  • Ciaran Byrne

    There can be a lot of queries to the Foireann team at this time of year, whats the issue you're having Noreen, perhaps this community can help you out?

  • Noreen Cashman

    Tks Ciaran
    It’s saying to complete setup for stripe - stripe is all up to date so it’s a rights issue between foireann and stripe. Stripe assure me it’s all up and running in there. So this is causing our members not to be able to pay membership and we cannot withdraw money in our stripe. It worked for six weeks from set up and just stopped mid March.

    Can anyone help us

  • Ciaran Byrne

    Hi Noreen, does your club have more than one Stripe account by any chance? As far as I can remember the setup for Stripe through Foireann is for validation of proof of address, photo ID and thats through a version of Stripe called Stripe Express - are you able to get to Stripe, specifically through Foireann?

  • Heather

    Hi there I’m hoping to sign my kids back up but the website isn’t sending me the password links and it won’t allow me to register either 🙃 quite difficult to navigate

  • Hanna OConnell

    I have tried multiple times to complete my profile but its still not accepting my mobile using 353 . I have email the help desk since last week and no response. My kids have just recently joined the gaa games and I need to get them set up with the insurance

  • Niamh O'Mullane

    Hi Hanna,

    You need to be very specific about the mobile format. It has to be in this exact format eg +353875544333 otherwise Foireann won’t accept it. Your club registrar should be able to assist you with it.

    Hope this helps!


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