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Issues when parents are trying to apply for vetting for their 16 year old



  • Ciaran Byrne

    Hello there, could you give us more detail on what the issues are that the parents are experiencing? The Help Centre has a lot of good information here: 

  • Brownekathryn

    Hi there
    Some people's apply to vetted tab has disappeared
    Others keeps looping around with an error message as attached

  • Eimear Lowry

    Hi there,

    We are experiencing similar issues for some girls that have turned 16 this year. There is no 'Apply for Garda vetting' button available under their Foireann profile. Their date of birth is inserted and correct. I have sent in a message with their membership numbers. Please can this be actioned as soon as possible as these girls want to coach at cul camps. We have been going around in circles trying to resolve this for 4 weeks.


  • Niall Lucey

    So Eimear, just to understand the problem in your case.  Are you saying that the following is the case?:

    1. The parent has Foireann account, which has a family, which includes their 16 year old daughter's profile in the Children section of the family.
    2. When the parent is logged into their Foireann account, and views their daughter's profile the parent does not see an "APPLY TO BE GARDA VETTED" button.

    I'm just a GAA club Foireann admin myself, but of course Foireann only allows me to apply to be Garda vetted on behalf of myself or one of my children, i.e. not on behalf of any other member (so for any other member I don't see the button) - and so I am wondering if in your case it might be somebody other than the parent/guardian seeking to submit the application?

  • Niall Lucey

    @Brownekathryn, are you saying that the person submitting the application (i.e. the parent logged into Foireann) has a DOB in their Foireann profile which indicates that they are over 18, but yet when they attempt to submit a vetting application on behalf of their child (who of course has a separate profile in the Children section of the parents family in Foireann) that Foireann complains that the person submitting the application must be aged 18 or over?

    If yes, then that's clearly a software bug for Foireann to fix.  But if the circumstances are different then perhaps somebody is following an incorrect procedure.


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