What feature or improvements would you make to the Foireann app?
Could you change “add new family” to “add new family group” as people are using this button to add children but instead they are creating new families.
Why not put the add children button beside add family so people can differentiate.Notifications when a member signs up or pay membership.
A booking system for handball courts & pitches.
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I need an admin-accessible change-log of member medical info. Just to be hyper-secure, the only info I absolutely need is date-changed, and the member whose medical info was changed.
I as admin can do the rest, i.e. see what the present medical details are, see what teams the member is in, and phone the coaches to let them know the up to date medical info - 'cos they need to know.
I don't want our club and/or our mentors to make a mistake because we didn't know of a relevant medical condition update that a parent had made about one of our child players in Foireann, where the parent would reasonably assume that our coaches would be alerted of the update that they had made in Foireann.
I know that the absolutely excellent support team here in Foireann have genuinely considered a request like this from me before, and it seems as if a more senior-level decision was made that something like this cannot be provided because of a data privacy liability. Working in the IT industry myself, I appreciate the data privacy concern. But I would hope that more thinking on this would find some way to address this very pressing need without causing a data privacy liability, and perhaps other units of the organizations that use Foireann might here add their support for this to be reconsidered.0
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