Foireann app notifications?
We are trialing the app messaging but no one seems to be getting automatic notifications of incoming messages. Yes, all enabled in notification settings. Any else have same issue or know solution?
Coaches will revert to WhatsApp otherwise
Hi @Aiden.
I'm a club admin.
I don't have a solution for your case, but I can confirm that automatic incoming message notifications are working for me on my android phone, even when I have closed the Foireann app (without logging off).
If however I power off my phone and power it back on again, then I am not automatically notified of any incoming message, until I start the Foireann app and log in there again.
At least that is what I see right now performing some tests - if I waited longer perhaps I might see different.
Two of our underage teams are using the app for communications from coaches to parents/guardians - I haven't heard of a problem (and I probably would hear if there were).
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