Missing Membership ID?
As an administrator, you will be to update any 'New Member' to a 'Member' by ‘verifying’ them, using the instructions that follow. If a member is missing their ID and/or Membership Number, then it is likely they have not been verified on Foireann.
NOTE: A membership ID will only be generated when a member is verified with the club (as outlined below) AND fully registered for the current season i.e. has a green membership chip listed beside their record. If the member is in the 'Fees Due' (Applies to Camogie, LGFA and Handball Associations) or 'Awaiting Approval' (Applies to LGFA only) stages in their registration, they will not be given an ID until the registration is fully completed. |
An individual will be automatically verified as a ‘Member’ based on one of the following criteria:
- The user has been given club administrator access.
- The user’s account has been successfully matched to a Servasport account when the systems were migrated.
- The user has been manually added to the Foireann system by an administrator via the ‘Add Member’ button in the Membership section.
‘Members’ are given a small blue shield icon (with a tick) on their profile avatar in the Membership section.
In the member’s profiles, they will also have an indication of their member verification status. A small tick will appear beside their club.
New Member
A user will be labelled as a ‘New Member’ if one of the following criteria applies:
- The user linked the club to their profile when creating an account on the returntoplay.gaa.ie system or the Foireann.ie system.
- The user’s account was not successfully matched to a Servasport account when the systems migrated.
A ‘New Member’ will not have a shield icon on their profile avatar in the Membership section nor will they have a tick listed beside their club in their profile.
Verifying Members
As an administrator, you can update a ‘New Member’ to a ‘Member’ on the system by following the steps outlined below:
- Navigate to the ‘Membership’ section of the system.
- Click on the relevant club. (This is only applicable if you have more than one club linked to your profile).
- Click on the Members tab.
- Tick the checkbox beside the member you wish to update to ‘Member’ and click the ‘Member Actions > Verify’ button at the top of the table.
5. Tick the ‘Member option and click the ‘Verify’ button.
6. The member will be updated from ‘New Member’ to ‘Member’. If registered, an ID will appear beside their name.
A blue shield with a tick will appear on their profile avatar and a tick will appear beside their club within their profile.
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